Friday, October 5, 2012

Choice 3: Genesis 29-30, 35, 37, 39-41. Joseph Endured His Trials

  1. Read the chapter summaries for Genesis 29-30, 35. List the birth order of Jacob’s 12 sons.

Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin

  1. Read Genesis 37:1-11 and the Institute Student Manual commentary for Genesis 37:3, “What Was the Coat of Many Colors?” (pg. 93). Write an explanation of possible reasons Joseph’s brothers were envious of him.

The coat of many colors was believed to be a coat with long sleeves reaching to the wrists and ankles.  Joseph’s brothers were envious of him because he was Jacob’s favorite son and they were envious of Joseph’s dreams.  Josephs dreams said that everyone would worship him. 

  1. List the challenges in Genesis 37 that Joseph faced. How do you think Joseph felt about his challenges? How are Joseph’s challenges like the ones young people face today?

Joseph was hated by his brothers.  He was sold into slavery by his brothers.  I am sure Joseph was really challenged with these trials.  We definitely don’t get sold in today’s society but we do face hatred towards other people.  In some cases even our families.    

  1. Read Genesis 39:2-3, 21, 23 and find a phrase that is similar in all four verses. Then answer the following questions:
·         What did Joseph do in Genesis 39 that allowed the phrase in verses 2-3 to still be true in verses 21, 23? When do you think Joseph made the commitment to be morally clean?

Joseph was faithful towards God and did not lie with Potiphar’s wife.  I think Joseph made the commitment to be morally clean when he was a young boy.  He knew that it was a sin. 
·         Give examples from Genesis 40-41 and the Institute Student Manual commentary for Genesis 39:21-23; 40:1-23 (pg. 95) that illustrate how the Lord remained with Joseph.

Joseph did not blame God for his trials.  He did not give up on God.  He offered interpretations of dreams and always gave God the credit.   
·         Write two or three paragraphs listing the lessons you learn from the life of Joseph. What can you learn from Joseph about turning bad experiences and circumstances into good ones?

What I learned from Joseph is to never give up and never blame God for trials.  Joseph was never at fault but he still was punished.  I learned that I always need to show that I obey the Lord so that people will know that the Lord is with me.  I think it is cool that Potiphar knew that the Lord was with him.  I know that when we follow the Lord we will always be blessed.   
I learned that I always need to keep a good attitude no matter how bad the situation is.  Having a bad attitude will just make the situation worst.  Having a good attitude can help you get through the trials.  Even though we struggle until we die if we follow the Lord we will be blessed.        

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