Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Student Choice Assignment

Choice 1: Micah; Nahum. “The Lord Shall Reign”
(a)  Read Micah 1:1–9; 2:1–11. Write a brief statement describing what Micah prophesied would happen to Israel and Samaria. Read Micah 3:4–12 and list the reasons why these things happened to them. Read Micah 4:1–3 and the institute student manual commentary for Micah 4:1–2, “What Special Meaning Do These Verses Have for Latter-day Saints?” (pg. 121). Then make a second list of Israel’s future reasons for hope.
All their idols and graven images would be destroyed.  Israel and Samaria will be destroyed. 
They hid from God
They will not be led my prophets of God
Micah 4:1-3 says the people will flow into the gospel.  We are blessed with the constitution of the United States.  We are blessed under this constitution to have freedom of religion.  We should not only be good but be willing to bring forth his work and establish Zion. 
(b)  What additional insights does Doctrine and Covenants 45:66–71 reveal about Micah 4:6–8?
The righteous will gather to Zion.  The wicked will not go up and fight those in Zion.  It is a place that is a refuge from the wicked.  It is where the righteous will flee to escape the wicked. 
(c)   In your own words summarize the teachings in Micah 4:12; Isaiah 55:8–9.
When we choose to not follow the Lord our thoughts do not align.  We are not following the ways of God.  God’s thoughts and ways are always higher than ours if we choose wickedness.    
(d)  Read Micah 5:1–5 and the institute student manual commentary for Micah 5:1-4, “But Thou, Bethlehem, ... out of Thee Shall He Come ... That Is to Be Ruler in Israel,” (pg. 122). Then list what Micah said about the first and second coming of the Lord.
This scripture is a prophecy of Jesus Christ being born in Ephratah Bethlehem.  The righteous will gather together and find strength through the Lord.    
(e)  Read the messages of Micah 7:7–9, 18–19; Nahum 1:1–7 and the institute student manual commentary for Nahum 1:2–10, “The Second Coming” (pgs. 219–20). Then write an outline for a three-minute talk on the topic of “The Last Days and the Second Coming.”
The Lord will be our light.  He is the God of our salvation and he will hear us.  The Lord will have compassion on us.  He is very merciful.  The Lord is slow to anger.  He knows all those who put trust in Him.  The wicked will be burned to stubble in the second coming.  If we are on the Lord’s side we will be okay at His second coming.  The wicked will be destroyed by fire.  The Lord is very merciful to those who go to Him.  You don’t need to be perfect just a willing to follow the Lord.  

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