Friday, March 1, 2013

Choice 5: Isaiah 63–65. The Second Coming and Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ

(a) Read Isaiah 63; 64:1–4; Doctrine and Covenants 133:45–53 and find answers to the following questions:

·         What did Isaiah see the Lord wearing? Red Garments

·         According to these scriptures, why will the Lord be attired in this way?  To represent the atonement; those who need to wash their sins away. 

·         What do we learn from these verses about the Atonement and Second Coming?  Christ is coming to save those who are righteous and to judge those who have sinned. 

·         What will the redeemed say when He comes?  D&C 133:52 says “And now the year of my redeemed is come; and they shall mention the loving kindness of their Lord, and all that he has bestowed upon them according to his goodness, and according to his loving kindness, forever and ever.”

·         What do these scriptures teach about the wicked during this period of time?  Judgment will come to them and they will be trampled in His fury (D&C 133:51)

(b) List what you learn about the Millennium from Isaiah 65:17–25 (making note of the Joseph Smith Translation change in Isaiah 65:20) and from Doctrine and Covenants 101:30–31. From what you listed, what would you most like to experience if you were to live during the Millennium? Why?

Everyone will live to be as old as a tree; which I think is a hundred years.  No one will labor in vain.  There will be no sickness or evil.  There will be peace upon the changed earth.  The former world will be forgotten.  Christ will be quick to answer their prayers.  There will be no more killing.  The wolf will lie with the lamb.  Everyone will live with peace for a time before final judgment. 

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